The Hirvensaari beach line is adorned with Nina Terno's sculpture "Havukka-ahon ajattelija," dedicated to the literary legacy of the Sotkamo-based author Veikko Huovinen. With our new table sets, perfect for picnics, one can admire both the striking artwork and the beautiful lakeside scenery.
With a diameter of three metres, each group accommodates even larger gatherings. The tables are arranged in a way that allows the seating of two separate parties or one larger group.
With a diameter of three metres, each group accommodates even larger gatherings. The tables are arranged in a way that allows the seating of two separate parties or one larger group.
The weather-resilient, sturdy bench groups are made out of larch and weathering (corten) steel.
The materials of choice blend in seamlessly with the surrounding environment. When the wooden surfaces over time turn gray, the benches will look like they've always been there.